Upcoming Works – Boulivot de Bas, St Saviour

Foul Sewer Extension Site Investigation

The Capital Delivery Team from Infrastructure and Environment (I&E) will be undertaking
essential site investigation work in St Saviour on the following roads from Monday 16 October to
Saturday 17 November 2023:

La Route des Champs and La Rue de la Freminerie.
The forthcoming work will require road closures to facilitate the site investigation work. The
working hours on these road closures are:

Monday – Friday 8.00 am – 6.00pm
Saturday 8:00 am – 1:00pm

There will be no working on Saturday afternoons, Sundays, and Bank Holidays.
No through traffic will be possible on the roads affected during the road closure. However, access
to properties within the road closure will be maintained.

I&E apologise in advance for any inconvenience this work will cause;
If you require any further information, please contact James Robinson, Project Engineer on 07797797430 or email; J.Robinson1@gov.je