Upcoming Parish Assembly – Monday 4th November
25 October, 2024
AN ASSEMBLY of the Principals and Electors of the Parish of St. Saviour will be held at the Parish Hall, St. Saviour on Monday 4 November 2024 at 6:30pm for the following business:-
- To receive and, if deemed advisable, approve the minutes of the Parish Assembly held on 30 September 2024.
- To elect a Vingtenier for the Vingtaine of Petite Longueville for a period of three years.
- In light of the decision of the Assembly held on 30 September 2024 to defer consideration of clause “C” of the proposition in respect of the Maisons Connétable Ozouf Fund, to now consider and, if deemed advisable, approve the following amended proposition which includes new wording for clause “C”:-
(C) The funds currently held and future contributions to the Maisons Connétable Ozouf (MCO) Fund shall primarily be used to assist parishioners of St Saviour, or those with strong ties to the Parish, in obtaining housing. Additionally, the funds may also be used to provide new public or green spaces within St Saviour. Any expenditure of money held in the MCO Fund that is not for the purpose of operating the properties known as the ‘Maisons Connétable Ozouf’ must be pre-approved by a resolution of a Parish Assembly
Parish Hall St Saviour 25 October 2024 | ……..…………………………………….. Kevin C Lewis Connétable |
For Information
- Parishioners are asked to arrive in good time in order to confirm their entitlement to vote.
- Only registered electors, ratepayers, and nominated mandataires are entitled to vote. Please be advised that you must attend the Assembly in person if you wish to vote for or against any of the items.
- Draft Acts from the assembly are available on the Parish Website or can be collected from the Parish Hall during office hours.
- I welcome any comments on the agenda items by phone (Tel 735864), in writing, or via email (parishhall@stsaviour.je) before noon on the day of the Assembly.
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