Removal of Glass Recycling Bins and Collections

Following a review of our collection services, the Parish of St. Saviour has decided to remove the glass recycling bins within the Grainville Playing Fields bring bank (Mini Recycling Centre) as of 1 February 2025.

This decision was not taken lightly and is based on several factors:

  • Inefficiencies in Service Delivery: The collection process from these areas has become increasingly inefficient, particularly as St. Saviour already provides a kerb-to-kerb glass collection service for all ratepayers
  • Fly-Tipping: Despite our efforts to maintain the sites, persistent fly-tipping has become a significant issue, leading to unsightly and unhygienic conditions, as well as and higher levels of contamination of loads and in the bin areas.
  • Safety Concerns: The current state of the glass areas poses safeguarding risks for young children and those commuting to and from schools in the vicinity.

Service continuity

St. Saviour residents will continue to benefit from our kerb-to-kerb glass collection service, providing a convenient and efficient solution for glass recycling. Additionally, free glass bins are available exclusively for St. Saviour ratepayers.

The St. Saviour Parish Depot bring bank will remain in place for 2025, with a decision on the removal of glass bins and other recycling services to be made by the end of Q3 2025. No other changes are planned for Recycling and Waste services at this time.

If you require a glass bin, please contact the Parish Hall on 735864 or email [email protected]

Please note that if you move out of your St. Saviour residence, the glass bin assigned to your property should remain for the new owner or occupier.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in helping us maintain a cleaner, safer, and more efficient Parish.