Parish Rates Assembly
5 July, 2024
AN ASSEMBLY of the Principals and Electors of the Parish of St. Saviour will be held at the Parish Hall on Thursday 11 July 2024 at 6:30 pm for the following business:-
- To receive and, if deemed advisable, approve the Acts of the Parish Assembly held on 24 June 2024.
- To receive and, if approved, adopt the Audited Annual Accounts for the financial year ended 30 April 2024.
- In accordance with the terms of Article 21(2) of the Rates (Jersey) Law 2005, receive and, if approved, adopt the Estimates for the financial year ending 30 April 2025.
- In accordance with the terms of Article 21(3) of the Rates (Jersey) Law 2005, approve a Parish Rate for the Financial year ending 30 April 2025.
- To elect an Accounts Committee to examine the Audited Annual Accounts for the financial year ending 30 April 2025 and Estimates for the financial year ending 2026.
- To appoint “Alex Picot, Chartered Accountants” as auditors of the Annual Accounts for the financial year ending 30 April 2025.
Parish Hall | |
St. Saviour | Kevin C. Lewis |
4 July 2024 | Connétable |
Copies of the audited Annual Accounts are available at the Parish Hall and online here
Parishioners are asked to arrive in good time in order to confirm their entitlement to vote. Only registered electors, ratepayers and nominated mandataires are entitled to vote.
Please be advised that you must attend the Assembly in person if you wish to vote for or against any of the items.
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