Parish Assembly 22 August 2024

An Assembly of the Principals and Electors of the Parish of St. Saviour will be held at the Parish Hall, St. Saviour on Thursday 22 August 2024 at 6:00pm for the following business: –

  1. To approve the minutes from the previous Parish Assembly held on 8 August 2024
  2. In accordance with Article 5 (1) of the Licensing (Jersey) Law, 1974 as amended, consider the following licensing applications for recommendation to the Licensing Assembly
Business Name:Vinoteka Jersey Limited
Business Address:47 Miladi Farm, Longueville Road, St. Saviour, JE2 7QU
Category:6th category (Off-Licence)
Business Name:Caesarean Croquet and Lawn Tennis Club
Business Address:Les Grands Vaux, St. Saviour, JE2 7NA
Category:3rd category (Restaurant)

Kevin Charles Lewis
Connétable of St Saviour

For Information Only

Parishioners are advised to arrive early to confirm their eligibility to vote. Only registered electors, ratepayers, and nominated mandataires are entitled to vote.

Please note that attendance in person is required to vote on any items.

Draft Acts from both assemblies are available on the Parish Website or can be collected from the Parish Hall during office hours.

I welcome any comments on the agenda items by phone (Tel 735864), in writing, or via email ( before noon on the day of the Assembly.