ELECTORAL ASSEMBLY: Thursday 8 August at 6 pm

In accordance with the Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2002, Article 19, a Nomination Meeting will be held at St Saviour’s Parish Hall on Thursday, 8 August 2024, at 6.00 p.m. for the following business:-
- to elect a Procureur du Bien Public for a 3-year term of office expiring September 2027.
- to elect a Centenier for a 3-year term of office expiring September 2027.
All Parishioners and electors of the Parish are welcome to attend.
A nomination form for each candidate must be produced to the meeting and must be completed by a proposer and 9 seconders who are electors in the Parish. It is recommended that this be verified with the Parish office beforehand.
In each election:
- If there are more candidates than vacancies, a poll will be held on Wednesday, 11 September 2024.
- If there are no more candidates than vacancies, any duly nominated candidate will be declared elected at the nomination meeting.
- To vote in this election you must be registered by midday on Wednesday 7 August 2024 (article 12(c)).
In accordance with Article 20, (8) of the Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2002, aforesaid, a nomination meeting shall not be closed less than 10 minutes after it has been opened.
Parishioners are asked to arrive in good time in order to confirm their entitlement to vote. Only registered electors, ratepayers and nominated mandataires are entitled to vote.
Please be advised that you must attend the Assembly in person if you wish to vote for or against any of the items
Parish Hall | Signed: | ……..…………………………………….. |
St Saviour 1 August 2024 | Kevin C Lewis Connétable |