Vin d’Honneur

Vin d’Honneur for Rev. Peter Dyson

Peter, our Rector, was given a Vin D’honneur at St Saviour’s Parish Hall and wishes to thank all who attended and especially our Connetable not only for the invitation and the evening but also for the beautiful picture of an ormer painted by Kevin Pallot. It is lovely and will have pride of place in his new home on returning to England. It will be a lovely memory of his time in Jersey and particularly in the Parish of St Saviour.

Peter’s last Sunday in the Parish will be 25th October. On leaving a period between rectors will occur, (called an interregnum). During that time, before the appointment of a new rector, the church will be under the care of our Dean, Mike Kierle. Services will continue every Sunday at 8.00am and 9.45am and all are welcome.

For general every day church inquiries, please contact our churchwarden Doreen Le Roy [email protected] tel 01534 875177.

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