2025 Annual Rates Returns

The annual returns for 2025 have now been sent to all owners of land, houses, buildings and other structures within St. Saviour. Annual returns must be returned within by 15th January 2025. Any owner who has not received a notice should contact the Connétable immediately.

What does this mean?

Land is assessed on the attributes on 1st January every year. If there has been no change to the attributes, and the previous rateable value is not disputed, then the rateable value will not change from the previous year.

The Annual Return must:

  • give the address of the land;
  • give the name and address of the occupier, if let;
  • confirm the attributes of the land; and
  • state if there have been any changes, including changes of use or alterations, to the land in the previous year or to the ‘purpose’ for which the land is used.

Transfer of land

Where ownership of land is transferred, written notice of the transfer of land must be given by both the former owner and the new owner to the Connétable within seven days of the date of transfer. A person who fails to do this without reasonable cause is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding £10,000.

Change of name or address of owner or occupier

Where an owner or occupier of property on 1 January 2025 changes his/her name and/or address the person must give notice to the Connétable within seven days of that change. A person who fails to do this without reasonable cause is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding £1,000.

If you have not received your annual return or if you have any queries or would like further information, please contact the Parish Hall on 735864 or email [email protected]

Help us to help you

Rates can only be assessed fairly if the return is completed accurately and with as much information as possible. This avoids unnecessary calls and emails to ratepayers to clarify what needs to be declared on the form and if any information is missing.