Constable & Deputies Drop-in Sessions

The elected representatives of St Saviour will be holding drop-in sessions on Wednesdays from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm, alternating between the States Assembly Building in St Helier and Georgetown Methodist Church in St Saviour.

Parishioners and non Parishioners can attend any drop-in session to ask questions or discuss any issues they may have with their elected representatives.

St Saviour drop in session dates and times

Drop-in sessions have been arranged for the remainder of 2022, based on current venues, staff and States members’ availability.

Sessions are currently during lunch, alternating between Georgetown Methodist Church and the States building in town.

Based on the interest shown by the public, our St Saviour representatives hope to offer alternative venues and times for the new year.

In the meantime, states members can also be contacted directly for anything you wish to discuss.

Contact details can be found on the States assembly website