The Charité Account is legally administered by the Churchwardens, with assistance from Rectorate Members (referred to as “the Committee”), which includes the Connétable, the Rector, the Procureurs du Bien Public.

This account is specifically dedicated to supporting individuals in St Saviour, Jersey, who are experiencing financial hardship. Its purpose is to provide assistance for essential needs while fostering well-being within the local community.

Who is eligible?

The Charité Account is dedicated to providing financial support to individuals residing in St Saviour, Jersey, who are experiencing financial hardship. Assistance may include, but is not limited to:

  • Dental, health, and medical expenses.
  • Funeral services.
  • Utility bills and household goods.
  • Payment of rates or other essential needs, etc.

To submit an application, please complete the form below. Before applying, please ensure you have carefully read and understood the terms and conditions.