Call for nominations: Scenic Lanes Competition

We are delighted to announce that the annual Scenic Lanes Competition, organised by the Société Jersiaise, is once again upon us. This esteemed competition celebrates the natural beauty and cultural heritage of our island’s picturesque lanes

Each year, the Société Jersiaise seeks to recognise and honour the most scenic lanes across Jersey. These lanes are not just routes of travel but are treasured pathways that encapsulate the charm and history of our island.

Every parish is asked to enter a lane that will be judged on various criteria, such as the mix of trees and bushes, wildlife, wildflowers, features, overall ambience, and how sensitively the branchage has been carried out.

If you would like to nominate a lane, please let us know which lane and why you would like to nominate it, either via Telephone on 735864 or by email to, by 31st May.

Les Routeurs