Public survey regarding changes to Bel Air Lane St Saviour

A Safer Route to Schools (SRS) – Bel Air Lane

The Parish of St Saviour Roads Committee and Government of Jersey are working together on Safer Routes to Schools as part of the St Saviour’s Schools Action Plan. Improvements on Bel Air Lane are a high priority for the Parish and form part of the overall Safer Routes to Schools initiative in the St. Saviour schools area.

The St Saviour’s SRS Action Plan aims to; encourage walking and cycling, reduce car use and congestion, and provide safer and healthier travel options.

In response to concerns raised by residents, commuters and nearby schools, the Parish of St Saviour has commissioned a feasibility study to look into options for Bel Air Lane.

The objectives of the study are:

  • To provide for the safety of students, young families and residents;
  • To improve parking management;
  • Traffic reduction;
  • Speed reduction.

The Parish would like to hear your views:

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, a drop-in session is not possible at this time, however, we encourage you to complete our Questionnaire.

Please see the link for all options being considered – Bel air Scheme options 1, 2 and 3.pdf


Click here to access questionnaire.

The deadline for consultation ends on 10 February 2021. Please see over for all options being considered.

Thank you for your support, your feedback is important to us.

Sadie Le Sueur-Rennard

Connétable and Chair of the Roads Committee of St Saviour