POPPY DAY COFFEE MORNING SATURDAY 2ND NOVEMBER 10:30am – 12:30pm – All proceeds to the Royal British Legion

Terms and Conditions of Hire of HallJersey French Translation Here

Terms and Conditions of Hire of Hall 

This Agreement constituting the Room Hire Booking Form and these Terms and Conditions is made between the Hirer and the Venue. The parties agree that the hiring will be carried out in accordance with this Agreement.

1 Definitions and Interpretation 

1.1 PoSS means the Parish of St Saviour acting through Customer Services 

1.2 The premises means the building in which the hire or use of facilities takes place

1.3 The hirer means the person and organisation who has submitted an application to hire or use facilities

1.4 Fees means the amount, including GST, that the Hirer is required to pay to PoSS 

1.5 Period of Hire means the period set within these T&Cs of this agreement. 

The following conditions must be complied with by all hirers. Failure to do so may result in the withdrawal of the booking and forfeiture of any charges already paid.  

2 Areas of Use & Capacity: Activities, including the setup and clear down of the activity, must be confined to the period of hire and areas of the premises which have been approved, and all areas used should be left as found. The hirer shall not transfer, assign or sub-let any part of the premises or equipment hired. Alterations to the premises, such as the fixing of apparatus and equipment or decoration, are prohibited unless agreed in writing by the PoSS. Repairs required as a result of damage to the premises will be charged to the hirer. Max Capacity: The Parish Hall currently has a max capacity of 120 standing or 100 seated persons. 

3 Health and Safety: The hirer shall appoint a competent and responsible person “person in charge of booking” who shall be present and in charge during the period of use, and an adequate number of competent persons for supervisory duties, including fire evacuation, who shall take appropriate action to safeguard the health and safety of all participants and to prevent any form of damage to the premises or any misuse of the facilities granted by the PoSS. Efficient door control must be maintained at all doorways leading to and from the premises to ensure that free egress by the various exits is maintained during the period of use. The person in charge will be responsible for completing and signing any attendance log. 

4 Evacuation: On hearing the fire alarm, all hirers must leave the facility. If applicable, PoSS will direct you to the nearest assembly point and only on their instruction may you return to the building. We have an Evacuation Chair available at the top of the stairs, please view the video below on how to use this.

EvacChair Demonstration Video

5 Reporting of Accidents/Incidents and First Aid: The hirer is responsible for any damage to the premises and equipment and for the conduct of the members of the organisation/club during the period of use. First Aid: Adequate first aid precautions must be taken as appropriate i.e. Hirers must provide their own First Aid Kit at all times. Any injury to a person or damage to property must be reported to a member of staff and a report completed.

6 Uncontrolled Hazards: The PoSS will be responsible for informing the hirer and person in charge of any uncontrolled hazards which may pose a risk to the members of any group using the facilities and which may not be readily identifiable by the hirer and person in charge (e.g. damaged flooring, blocked access routes or other hazards which may be of a temporary nature due to construction works etc).

7 General conditions: 

7.1 Advertising: Permission to display advertising materials on the premises is only permitted following written authorisation from the PoSS. All materials should be removed at the end of the event. (Charges may apply). Footwear and Clothing – it is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that the correct clothing and footwear are worn for specific activities. Indoor non-marking soles and, Cultural differences and the specific needs of disabled people will be respected. 

7.2 Photography: The use of cameras, videos and other equipment with the capacity to photograph is allowable provided the hirer for the let has obtained PoSS permission, i.e. from parents of children or persons being photographed. 

7.3 Personal Property: The PoSS will not be liable for any damage, injury or loss of property brought to or left in the premises or the premises’ car park by persons using the premises. 

7.4 Electrical Equipment: Portable electrical equipment may only be used on the premises if it has been PAT tested to ensure that it has no electrical defects which could constitute a safety hazard. It should be noted that this may be audited at any time during the let period. Information on PAT testing certification can be obtained from the British Standards Institute website. 

7.5 Use of Equipment: The use of equipment PC equipment, ramps, screens, projectors, police assistance, stage set up, etc. may incur additional charges and is subject to approval by PoSS.

7.6 Parquet Flooring: In order not to damage the Parquet floor, please lift/carry and not drag items across the floor e.g. tables and chairs

8 CCTV: The PoSS operate and monitor a system of CCTV cameras in and around their premises for the purposes of security, public safety and good management.

8.1 Conduct: Behaviour deemed inappropriate may result in the cancellation of a booking without a refund. The PoSS reserves the right to investigate any incidents deemed to be serious in nature or where complaints have been received.  

8.2 Car Parking: Where car parking is available, this must be limited to the duration of which you have hired the facility. Please ensue you display a yellow parking disc.

9 Public Liability Insurance: The hirer shall indemnify the PoSS against all costs, expenses, liabilities, injury, loss or damage howsoever arising due to any act or omission of the hirer, or any of his agents, volunteers or staff in connection with the hire of the premises or the activities carried out during the period of let. Commercial establishments, Clubs and Associations must obtain and maintain in force a policy of public liability insurance to cover such indemnity. Such insurance shall be for the minimum sum of £5 million in respect of any one incident. The hirer must exhibit to the PoSS if requested, a certified copy of the insurance policy and evidence that all premiums are paid and up to date.

10 Cancellation: The PoSS must be notified at least 72 hours in advanced of all cancellations or the total change remains payable. If the Hirer cancels on a regular basis, the permanent booking will be reviewed. The PoSS reserves the right to cancel or close the Parish hall facility at its discretion. The PoSS reserves the right, in the interest of the community, to change the advertised programme(s). The PoSS aims to notify Hirers within 10 DAYS, where practical, of a need to vary the usual programme. 

10.1 Late Arrival: PoSS reserves the right to offer your timeslot to other hirers if you arrive more than 15 minutes late for the booking without notifying us of your delay.

10.3 Review of Charges: The schedule of fees will be reviewed annually.
Date of Last review: May 2024

10.4 Payment: Payment for your booking must be made online and in advance only. Your booking will be confirmed by email within 24 hours. Customers who fail to take up their booking without prior notice will be charged the full hiring fee. The PoSS cannot be held responsible for cancellations , including inclement weather, due to circumstances beyond their control. If the hirer fails to comply with these payment arrangements, the PoSS may cancel and/or reject any future bookings. 

11 No smoking Policy: It is the policy of PoSS that smoking and vaping is prohibited in all of our buildings and halls with no exceptions. This policy has been developed to protect all employees, service users, customers and visitors from exposure to second-hand smoke and to assist in compliance with the Restriction on Smoking (Amendment No 2) (Jersey) Law 2006 and the Restriction on Smoking (Workplaces) Regulations 2006.

12 Responsibility: The hirer must familiarise themselves in advance of the booking with these terms and conditions before hiring or using PoSS premises.

13 Commercial, Community and Private Individuals for parties, functions and general hire 

13.1 Commercial Rate: To individuals, businesses, government and profit-making organisations. The full cost of fees and changes applies to groups and organisations such as:

  • Businesses, corporations, and political parties.
  • Private individuals for parties, functions and general hire.
  • Government of Jersey 
  • Private Health Care providers

13.2 Community Hire Rate: This rate applies to not-for-profit groups and organisations such as:-

  • Groups located within the municipality
  • Residential Associations
  • Primary and Secondary schools 
  • Registered Charities and Associations 

Hall and Room Hire Fees Schedule 2022/2023

Parish HallStandard Fees*NPO Rate*
Morning 9am – 12pm£80£40
Afternoon 1pm – 4pm£80£40
Evenings 5pm – 9pm£80£40
All day session£120£60
*Hourly Rate

Please note: For those who require earlier access, we may provide you with security access the day before your booking.  

For weekend evening requests, please contact the Parish Hall on 735864

14 Cleaning: If you use tables and chairs please ensure these are put away at the end of your session.

14.1 Cleaning equipment is available for use to ensure the Hall is left clean and tidy for the next occupant. Further charges may be made should the Hall and surrounding corridors and toilets not be left in a clean and tidy state.

15 Kitchen Equipment: Any kitchen utensils and equipment used must be washed, dried and put away after use. All surfaces are to be wiped clean, the floor is to be swept and rubbish put in the bin provided.

15.1 Electrical Equipment Check that all electrical equipment such as the urn and cooker is switched off at the wall/mains. No equipment to be left on overnight.

15.2 Locking up: All doors and windows must be shut and locked when you leave the Hall. Please also ensure all lights are switched off including lights in the toilets.

16. Maintenance checks: will be carried out prior to and after use including but not limited to the following areas; Windows and doors, Electrical Equipment, Lift, Walls and floor, Chairs and tables, Toilets, Kitchen and Lights. PoSS reserve the right to administer a charge to cover any damages

17 Other information 

Please note that agreed bookings are provisional until our terms and conditions have been signed and the booking confirmed by the Parish Office team.

If required, arrangements should be made for the front door key to be collected from the Parish office during normal opening hours, which are 8.45 am to 3.45 pm Monday to Friday. 

Your event should finish by 21:00 PM. 

When the Parish Hall is vacated, the key is to be deposited through the letterbox after the door has been locked.

Please ensure all rubbish/refuse is placed in the green euro bin at the (north)  side of the Parish Hall car park.

The hiring of the Parish Hall is done at your own risk. The Parish of St Saviour takes no liability for loss or injury arising in connection with your use of the venue. The Parish of St Saviour reserves the right to refuse a booking or cancel a booking and refund any monies paid should it be necessary.

Please get in touch with us if you think you may need the services of our caretaker, e.g. if you require additional facilities such as sound or lighting setting up, a projector, screen or other audio-visual equipment, extension cables etc. Please note there may be an additional fee.

The Parish Hall is a historic building, and there are steps up to the main entrance. We have made arrangements to provide access for people in need of assistance, so please be aware there is an accessible route into the Parish Hall via A RAMP OR LIFT if required.

If you anticipate more than 20 vehicles needing to park at the Parish Hall or in the areas close by then please get in touch with the Duty Centenier on 07797716661 one week prior to your event to discuss what arrangements may be required and can be put in place.

A First Aid kit is located in the kitchen. Please let us know if it has been used so that we can ensure it is appropriately re-stocked. 

Important contacts

  • Duty Centenier: 07797716661;
  • Emergency Services: 999;
  • States of Jersey Police: 612612 if appropriate.