Parish Assembly

Parish Assembly Monday 9th August 2021 6:30pm

An Assembly of the Principals and Electors of the Parish of St. Saviour will be held at the Parish Hall on Monday 09 August 2021 at 6:30pm for the following business: –

  1. To approve the minutes from the previous Parish Assembly held on 13 July 2021.
  2. In accordance with Article 5 (1) of the Licensing (Jersey) Law, 1974 as amended, consider the following licensing application for recommendation to the Licensing Assembly: –

    Name: Zoe Ada Claire Coates Business
    Address: Cimandis, 3 L’avenue le Bas, Rue des Pres Trading Estate
    Category: 6 th (Off Licence)
  3. To elect one Constable’s Officer to fill a vacancy in the Vingtaine Pigneaux and Grande Longueville.
  4. To elect one Constable’s Officer to fill a vacancy in the Vingtaine Petite Longueville.
  5. To elect a Vingtenier to fill a vacancy in the Vingtaine Grande Longueville.

Sadie Le Sueur-Rennard
