Ecclesiastical Assembly

An Ecclesiastical Assembly will be held on Thursday 26May 2022 at 6.30 pm at St. Saviour’s Parish Church for the following business:

  1. Opening Prayer
  2. To read the Convening Notice
  3. To receive apologies
  4. To receive and approve minutes of last Ecclesiastical Assembly 25 May 2021
  5. To receive and approve the Churchwarden’s Accounts for the year 2021/2022
  6. To receive the Reports and Recommendations of the Rector and Churchwardens
  7. To discuss and approve burial fees schedule for 2022/2023
  8. To elect Church Officers for the year 2022/2023
  9. To name a Professional Accountant to audit the Churchwarden’s Accounts for the financial year 2022/2023
The Church………………………………………….
St. SaviourMartin Evans
16 May 2022Rector


I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the above notice has been duly posted in the Official Notice Box of the Parish of St. Saviour in conformity with the Law and Custom.

The Church………………………………………….
St. SaviourDoreen Le Roy
26 May 2022Churchwarden