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Storm Damage – Latest Updates

We wanted to provide you with an important update regarding the ongoing road closures and restrictions resulting from the recent storm damage.

Despite our continued efforts to assess and address the storm’s aftermath, regretfully, a couple of areas within the Parish remain closed or subject to restrictions. The extent of the damage, particularly in certain areas, has posed significant challenges for our teams.

Please be aware of the following updates:

Road Closures: The following roads are currently closed to all traffic until further notice due to the extent of damage and ongoing repair work:

Rectory Lane

Diversions: Diversion routes have been established to guide traffic safely around closed or restricted areas. Please follow the posted diversion signs and exercise caution while driving in these areas.

We understand that road closures and restrictions may cause inconvenience, and we sincerely apologise for any disruption to your daily routines. Our top priority is the safety of our residents and road users, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this challenging period.

We will continue to provide updates as we progress with repairs and as roads are reopened.

Damage updates

Pentaque Repairs and Other Improvements  

We are pleased to confirm that following storm, the pétanque shelter has now been repaired, thanks to the highways and maintenance team for their great effort. We’ve also taken the opportunity to improve the surface within the shelter which often pooled.

Jardin des Buttes (Woodlands)

In collaboration with DfI Officers and Jersey Property Holdings, we have initiated efforts to clear the woodlands of potential hazards. Our goal is to reopen this cherished area to the public, and we’re working diligently to achieve this before the Easter term. We genuinely appreciate your patience throughout this process. Ensuring the safety of all our users remains our paramount concern, and we’re committed to providing a secure and enjoyable environment for everyone.

Patier Park      

Regarding the small park’s reopening after storm damage, we’ve identified a more complex issue. Upon examination, we’ve discovered severe damage to the underground drainage system, known as a culvert, which has been worsened by tree root intrusion and past tree planting efforts. We are now evaluating the feasibility of a costly drainage system replacement, discussing sustainable solutions with the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) which also aims to avoid downstream flooding issues.

Regrettably, the small park won’t be suitable for tree planting due to these issues. But rest assured, we’re actively seeking alternative locations for our tree-planting endeavours. The two sites currently being considered are fields T1034 and S501.

Your understanding and continued support during this challenge are greatly appreciated. We’re committed to maintaining and enhancing our green spaces for everyone’s benefit.

Le Val Aume (Swiss Valley)  

Works are ongoing to rejuvenate and reopen the path.  Last year, we were fortunate to secure substantial funding through the Countryside Access Fund, specifically earmarked for substantial improvements to safeguard the future accessibility of the Val Aume path. As a preliminary step towards achieving this goal, we submitted a planning application, P/2023/0810, aimed at repairing the footpath’s lower section, La Rue de la Freminerie. While our original plan was to commence these repair works late last year, the severe storm in November significantly impeded our progress.

In addition to the weather-related challenges, we have been working diligently to resolve disputes surrounding property boundaries and tree ownership with the landowners in the vicinity. We are pleased to report that we are making positive strides in this regard, and from next week, we intend to initiate discussions to reach a consensus with the landowners. This marks an important step towards enabling our team to access the site.  A personal thanks to the landowner of the car park and surrounding area by rejuvenating this area for the benefit of the public.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us on 735864 or [email protected]

Thank you for your understanding.